What have I already wrote about?
How To Manuals
Grants for local hospital
Lesson Plans
Business Letters
Legal Documents
What do I want to write about?
Family Stories (digital storytelling)
Degree Papers (technical writing)
Use multimedia to market myself -- develop a professional voice/niche
Educational Grants
What is my story?
Great question! I fell like my story would have many chapters that led me to where I am today. But for this class, I've really been thinking about my family's story. How did the decisions of my family members inspire or effect me? Have I consciously or unconsciously tried to mirror some aspect of my grandfather's and aunt's lives into my own? Maybe in a way, but I think I have this strong tie to my family that I know not everyone has for one reason or another. My family has had some serious struggles over the past few years and it has definitely pulled us apart. But deep down, I still feel the ties that I grew up with and the severing that has occured has been some of the hardest points in my own life. I don't want to talk about those very personal struggles. I'd rather just acknowledge the lives that two of my loved ones have had over their 90+ years.
What am I thinking about my digital story?
Ira Glass talked about the balance of not putting yourself as the main character/piece in a story. The focus should be on others. I totally agree. I think I'm going to compare my grandpa and aunt's lives as siblings and individuals and then maybe explore my thoughts, experiences with them. How does my life compare with theirs? How does my life and sister's lives compare to one another? Is that going too far? Maybe I should just focus on grandpa and my aunt, then add a small reflection about family and what it means to me in the end. Or maybe I'll take the angle of life in the Ozarks. What it has meant to all of us.
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